


Magic, Mentalism, Stunts and More



When it comes to his shows, John has a very unique way of thinking; "For me, I believe that anyone can go see a 'magic show,' but it seemed rare to have a program where the audience is a large part of the on-stage antics. My goal was to make the magic, even if it be on a stage super interactive. Now, we have a 90 minute show that is 99% audience participation. It seems to really make the difference." John's unusual style, and even more unique personality have helped foster a collection of tour shows unlike any other.

Beginning in 2009, John launched his very first performance tour, which opened to sold out crowds. Three years later, in January of 2012, the show transitioned from it's original Locked UP format into the TOURPOCALYPSE brand. The show - a blend of high-octane illusions punctuated with close up effects, celebrity cameos and what can only be called "special" theatrical moments entertained crowds across the U.S. and led to John's first full-length DVD - John Rotellini: TOURPOCALYPSE Live From The Gryphon Theatre




At any given TOURPOCALYPSE performance, audiences would see:



Prior to the show, audience members are given notecards and are asked to write personal information (ranging from things like favorite films to personal life aspirations.) At the start of the show, an audience member is asked to randomly select one (without informing John of the contents.) Throughout the show, John will try and divulge the information through some very, very strange means.










This audience favorite is a combination of many classic disciplines in Mentalism, or 'mind magic.' After two volunteers are selected, a standard issue deck of playing cards are shown and each are asked to select the card of their choice and hold onto it for future reference. The cards are then rubber-banded extensively and are thrown out into the audience at six different points. At each point the selected participants sneak a peek at the card of their choice and toss the cards to another random person. Once this is done, John conducts a poker-reading on the onstage volunteers, and figures one of their cards out by reviewing their body language and unique "tells." If that's not impressive enough, John asks his other volunteers to send him mentally the names of each of their cards, and one by one, John correctly names each person's selection. Finally, John asks the last on-stage volunteer to think of their card, only to have their selection revealed via satellite connection by his friends and world-renowned rock band Recycled Percussion!











On a daily basis, John and his team are brainstorming new routines and illusions, and after hearing about how often certain strange events occurred, CONNECTIONS was born. The routine tests the connections of people, especially friends or couples. Two people are selected to come onstage, where they each select the card of their choice from two different decks. After hiding their selections, the groups are seated into two folding chairs and blindfolded to create "scientific test conditions." John proceeds to tap one person on the shoulder, and when the two are asked who was touched, BOTH respond with a yes. In his trademark fashion, John amps it up with a chainsaw (and, up to this point, has always decided it better to not sever a limb.) While the chainsaw is a bad idea, Tyler, John's trusty assistant finds a way to bring in another weapon.. usually whatever he can find (he's great at finding baseball bats, and on occasion a shotgun...) After being reprimanded for taking things too far, Tyler retreats backstage, only to interrupt John moments later with a giant "olympic" torch (He even parades it through the audience to the Olympic Fanfare music...) Being presented with the torch, John agrees with this decision and places the torch under the seat of one volunteer. Immediately after doing this, the other volunteer (the one without the torch under them) erupts with a yell and usually catches some air as they jump out of their seat, exclaiming that they FELT a torch beneath them. To cap things off, the two volunteers are un-blindfolded and asked to show the audience their selected cards which were selected from two different decks- shockingly enough, both are a complete match, proving that human beings create some very unique CONNECTIONS.












In 2009, John drove a 2009 Pontiac Solstice racing convertible blind through rush hour traffic for charity. Now, his most frequently asked question is "how'd you do it?" John isn't about to tell but he'll most certainly show. In BLIND, John goes, well, BLIND. Using two silver dollars and a ton of duct tape, John has audience members embed the coins into his eye sockets and duct tape them in place (usually by wrapping a large part of his head in the adhesive... which later, becomes more than an effective way to lose an eyebrow or get a haircut). Despite seeming like a more than effective approach to becoming BLIND, John does not stop there. Finally, a 1/16" laser-cut stainless steel blindfold is placed over John's face, and the madness begins (we think it already has, but tell that to him.) Audience members are then asked to select objects and friends to have John describe in full detail, and caps the routine off with either a question and answer session, or by having several randomly-selected volunteers write down two digit numbers of their choice on white boards, only to corectly guess their choices. As if hot-wiring someone's eyes isn't enough, John then asks one individual to taste from five different beverages, correctly guessing what and why certain drinks were chose. This routine, a favorite of many audiences, isn't one of John's- the finisih requires taking all of the blindfold material off (remember that duct tape?)... usually resulting in a fair amount of hair loss from John's face and even at times, a sideways buzzcut around his head.



Lethal, affectionately known as John's favorite card trick couldn't be more deceptive. When most people think of card tricks, it's safe to assume that they're, well harmless, right? WRONG. After winning over the confidence of three unsuspecting volunteers, John asks one of them to select and sign the card of their choice and return it to the deck. After shuffling the cards repeatedly, the deck is split in half and the halves are given to the other two volunteers. Jokingly, John explains why this is his favorite card trick. At that moment, John's trusty sidekick Tyler comes onstage with what can only be described as a big box o' knives. After selecting just the right knife, John explains that one his count of three the cards are to be thrown at the third (empty handed) volunteer and that John will try to pick their card out of the falling mess by throwing a knfe at them. Thankfully, John cares about his audience and has Tyler give them a wooden board to wear around their neck to protect their "vital organs." John counts to three and whips the knife at the (by now quite frightened) volunteer, only to pick one card out of the falling confetti of cards and secure it, via knifepoint to the board!












While it might appear as if the show is over, John has one more trick up his sleeve.. actually it's in your mind. Throughout the course of the show, John aims to manipulate the sub-consious of his audience, and for some, plant an idea. Inspired by the hit movie "Inception," this live moment takes a show's worth of subliminal ideas and causes an audience (whether it be a group or a single randomly selected person) to freely select from a number of steel tiles, arranging and rearranging them in any order they choose. Despite their best efforts, what seems like a spur of the moment choice has been a show's worth of covert planning on John's part. While the choices are totally up to you, the idea is his. Ultimately this begins the finish to the show. This is THE END.



For the finale of the show, John draws attention to a locked box that has been hanging above the stage for the entire performance. The box, which the audience is alerted to at the beginning of the show at no point is tampered with and remains hanging for the majority of the routine. For John, many routines come in part through his very unique (sometimes frightening) dreams. Prior to the show( often times a week in advance), John jots down some details on a large sheet of paper and secures it in a glass "time capsule". The details range from a variety of topics, from news headlines, to ideas for dreams, to fun facts about a person, and the sheet and tube are locked into the box and sent to the venue. John asks the audience for suggestions, and has several on-stage audience members create either a dream or list from the varied (and often imaginative) ideas from the audience. Once these thoughts are written on a whiteboard, the box is lowered down, unlocked by an audience member and opened in full view. The "time capsule" is removed and opened by an audience member, who takes out the poster and step-by-step reveals John's written thoughts to the audience. To the astonishment of the audience, EVERYTHING matches John's premonition, and at times, even some of the random occurrences from the show itself are included! This proves to be the perfect way to close a show, and often results in a standing ovation.





AGENT PROVOCATOUR is slated to be a blend of brand new material, as well as some re-envisioned variations on some of John's most requested acts from prior tours throws audience members headfirst into a world where anything can happen and anyone could be the culprit of a major, headline-worthy theft, the likes of which could only be found in a Hollywood blockbuster.

No one is safe from the "Agent Provocateur," a cunning thief and master creator of chaos that can be found at each show.  Will the "Agent" succeed in their quest for criminal success?  It's up to the audience to help catch the crook and find a hero.  In his critically-acclaimed style, John has once again created an experience that is nearly entirely audience based and hugely interactive, making show-goers the stars of one incredible ride.  From unbelievable illusions and jaw dropping stunts to mind blowing acts of mentalism, AGENT PROVOCATOUR will be sure to captivate and amaze.

Who's the "Agent Provocateur" in the AGENT PROVOCATOUR?  You'll have to see the show to find out... Who knows, it might just be YOU.