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I wanted to say I love your website. It does everything it should do and showcases you and your talents.

Second, you have been a tremendous help to us with the 2010 preproduction of this year's Holiday Promenade of Stars Parade. Your knowledge and insight are going to be an asset to this year's production. We are very please to have you on the team. It's always a pleasure to brainstorm with you all hours of the night. You have a keen sense of fresh new ideas, as well as knowing what is hip these days.

Looking forward to you coming out for the production meetings here in the weeks to come. Then the actual production this November.

I am honored and pleased to call you friend.

All the best to you.

Gary E. Bartlett
Executive Producer
The Holiday Promenade of Stars.

July 14, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGary E. Bartlett

Hey John. I just couldn't help say that your magic rocks. Complete love it. I saw both of your shows in Sheridan in the last year and the one you did today at the Sheridan Junior High School.
Hope everything goes great for the rest of your life
Brent Miller
Sheridan, WY

April 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBrent Miller

Yo John Rot! You're doing work! Glad you never stopped believing in yourself. You are making your dreams come true. Way to go, man! Best of luck and God Bless.

April 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLittle Red Car

Hey John,

Cool website! Wishing you all the best with your magic from Singapore!

Looking forward to seeing you rock it out!

J C Sum & 'Magic Babe' Ning

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